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How to detect the potentiometer?
Publication time:2018-11-2 15:26:39 Click: Browse times:

The potentiometer is usually measured by a multimeter. The following steps are as follows:

1. Use the appropriate total resistance at the 1-3 ends of the ohmic potentiometer to see if it is within the nominal range.

2. The probe is connected to 1-2 or 2-3 terminals, and the potentiometer axis is rotated slowly and repeatedly to see that the instrument pointer changes continuously and evenly. Its resistance should vary between nominal values near zero in Europe. If the change is discontinuous (runout) or the resistance value is unstable in the process of change, it means bad contact.

3. Measure the insulation between the potentiometer terminal and the outer shell (metal) and the rotating shaft to see if the insulation resistance is large enough (normal should be close to OO).

4. Measure whether the power switch of potentiometer works properly.

Huizhou Hongyu High-Tech Electronics Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of potentiometers, switches, encoders, etc. with more than 20 years'experience. It is a national standard-setting unit specializing in the production of various types of rotary potentiometer potentiometers, direct-slip potentiometers, rocker potentiometers, switches, motor potentiometers, resistors, and linear potentiometer handles. Market demand customization, potentiometer type is the most important, can be a perfect substitute for domestic and foreign brands of potentiometers, manufacturers can find Huizhou Hongyu Hi-Tech Electronics Co., Ltd.

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